What is Cold Brew and how to make it at home
The cold coffee drink that is conquering hearts and palates around the world.
In this blog, we will talk about:
1. What is Cold Brew
2. A little bit of history to get us intellectual
3. Preparation methods
4. What does it bring you?
1. What's that drink all coffee lovers are talking about? What's Cold Brew?
Cold Brew is a beverage that is revolutionizing the world of coffee. It offers a unique way to experience the quality of the world's finest coffees. And no, Cold Brew isn't a cold Americano by any other name; this beverage involves a distinct preparation process that achieves distinct flavor profiles while preserving all the benefits that coffee offers.
2. Is Cold Brew something new?
You may be hearing more about this drink these days due to its growing market, but no, it's nothing new; its consumption has been going on for many years. Some versions of its origins attribute it to Japan, as history tells us that sailors in the 17th century created the drink as an alternative to hot coffee, to prevent fires that were thought to be caused by traditional preparation methods. In 1840, it gained popularity among French troops, where they drank coffee concentrate with cold water to tolerate the intense desert heat.
Water temperature is one of the biggest differentiators of a cold brew, as it's prepared with cold water. This process eliminates the extraction of acidic and bitter compounds, allowing you to enjoy a beverage with less body or intensity, while still retaining the delicious coffee flavor you love.
3. Preparation methods
There are several methods for preparing Col Brew, among the most commonly used are:
This is the most common way many coffee lovers prepare it at home . It involves using a pitcher, container, or French press, to which pre-ground coffee is added with cold water, and left to steep for 6 to 24 hours or more, depending on individual taste. It is then filtered to remove all the coffee and leave only the beverage. Although it sounds easy, the desired result is not always achieved. Many baristas have expressed that they initially didn't like the final result. This led them to experiment with different coffee beans, grinds, and brewing times.
Cold Drip or Cold Dutch
This method, also known as Kyoto cold drip, is known for its use in several Japanese coffee shops. It involves the use of special glass tower-shaped coffee makers, in which, using one drop per second, the ground coffee at the bottom is extracted with cold water. This process can take more than five hours.
4. A natural energizer
If you drink coffee to stay active throughout the day, you should consider adding Cold Brew to your drinking options. You can have it with your favorite snack, while working on those new ideas, with your lunch, in the mid-afternoon, or on those hot, tiring days—all in a hassle-free way. But if you like to experiment and test your creativity, you can combine Cold Brew with milk, plant-based drinks, or make various cocktails.
Photo: Boncib ō
Were you one of those people who tried a cold brew with excitement and ended up being disappointed? Maybe you wondered, is this what coffee lovers talk about so much? We feel you, it happened to us too. Just as not everyone knows how to make your favorite dish, the same goes for cold brew. Not everyone uses quality coffee, and of course, that shows in the flavor and the experience.
If you're a #HumaLover , we're sure you've already tried our Cold Brew, made with 100% Ecuadorian specialty coffee . We couldn't finish this article without telling you a little about our new star beverage!
Our founders, Juan Begué and Mario Idrovo , worked for a long time on a recipe (secret, like that of the Krabby Patty) to obtain a Cold Brew that would fill them with pride and win over coffee drinkers. In the process, they tested various brewing times and different Ecuadorian coffees to reach the point of perfection, materializing what you can now have in your hands whenever you want. They use the highest-quality coffees to make Huma Cold Brew . The natural sweetness and delicious flavor of the carefully selected beans are reflected in a content that you won't be able to stop consuming in its entirety.
Huma Cold Brew isn't bitter at all—yes, that's right. Since it's a cold beverage, we recommend enjoying it ice-cold, but if you prefer ambient drinks, you can also enjoy it this way. So, are you up for a Cold Brew?
We hope you enjoyed reading about Cold Brew. Would you like to see an article on our blog with recipes for drinks made with Cold Brew? Remember to leave us your comments about what you'd like to read about later.
By: Samantha Jijón Gagliardo - Co-founder of the digital marketing agency Tecnologic Site, based in Ecuador and Peru. Creator of the blog "En Construcción" (Under Construction), writer, and contributor to various media outlets in Latin America. @SamiGagli
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